Cook's Recycling Center
The Cook's Waste Recycling Center is easy to find in Brookings. Head east on 6th Street just past the Swiftel Center and then take the first left onto 34th Avenue. We are located about one-half mile north on 34th Avenue on the east side of the road.
Cook's Waste Recycling Center
1026 34th Ave
Brookings, SD 57006
Phone: 605-693-3363
Monday-Friday 7:00AM to 4:30PM
Saturday 8:00AM to 9:00AM
Acceptable Items
Please check the list of items we accept before bringing them to the recycling center.
- We buy aluminum cans. Please keep these separate from other recycling materials.
- All clean and dry items may be comingled into one container or bag.
- There is no cost to drop off approved recycling items.
For safety and environmental reasons, it is important NOT to bring unacceptable items to the Cook’s Recycling Center. If an item is not listed below it means we do not accept it.
- Aerosol cans (empty)
- Aluminum cans (Cook's will pay you for these)
- Aluminum trays (clean)
- Steel or tin food and beverage cans only (rinse out food)

No loose caps
- Food and beverage cartons (juice, milk)
- Plastic bottles, jugs and tubs (+ attached caps)

Must be clean and dry
- Books, paperback only
- Chip board (cereal, pop, boxes)
- Corrugated cardboard
- Magazines, catalogs, junk mail
- Newspapers and inserts
- Office paper
- Paper egg cartons
- Shredded paper in clear, tied, plastic bag

Unacceptable Items
If an item is not listed on the acceptable list above, it probably is NOT acceptable.
- Ammunition
- Appliances
- Ashes, hot or cold
- Bags (dry cleaning, clean zip lock)
- Bags (retail & grocery)
- Bandages or gauze
- Batteries, all
- Books, hard cover
- Bright Paper
- Ceramics
- Diapers
- Dirt, rocks, or gravel
- Electronic media tapes, CDs, DVDs
- Electronics
- Eye Glasses (donate)
- Fast food & to-go containers
- Food bags (cereal)
- Food bags (chips, frozen food)
- Garbage or Trash
- Glass
- Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
- Medical waste
- Paper plates
- Pharmaceuticals
- Photos
- Piping
- Plastic bags (grocery/Walmart)
- Plastic silverware, straw, lids
- Sharps or Needles
- Steel pieces
- Styrofoam (cups, plates, packing, egg cartons)
- Tissues, gift wrap, paper towels
- Toys
- Tubing or Catheters
- Wax paper, foil paper
- Window or mirror glass
- Wood waste
- Yard waste